Welcome to BIG4 project page. The BIG4 is a project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche and the Mission pour l'Interdisciplinarité of CNRS. Its purpose is to develop new statistical model, and technology associated to explore them, that describes data through physics and not just Gaussian approximations. The project further develops in the exploitation of the parameters recovered through this analysis by developing new interactive visualization tools in the web brower. Such tools and examples will be available on this platform. The objective is thus truly multidisciplinary and not focusing on one branch of physics or mathematics.
BIG4 members are also part of the Aquila consortium, please check more news on current projects and results by members and collaborators.
The BIG4 project is funded over the period 2016-2021 by the French National research agency under the code ANR-16-CE23-0002.