The Aquila consortium, Beecroft Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK, May 7th
"Explorer l'univers à dos de telescope", Pint of Science 2019, Montrouge, May 22nd, Guilhem Lavaux.
GRC String And Cosmology Conference, Casteldelfels (Barcelona), Spain, June 16-21, Guilhem Lavaux
Bayesian statistical inference and deep learning for primordial cosmology and cosmic acceleration, D. Kodi Ramanah, 2019-09-10, PhD thesis defence, Paris, France.
Neural physical engines for inferring the halo mass distribution function, T. Charnock, 2019-10-09, APC seminar, Paris, France
KICC10, Cambridge, UK, September 16-23, Guilhem Lavaux
A systematic-free Bayesian analysis of SDSS3/BOSS and its correlation with CMB lensing, G. Lavaux, 2019-09-15, Journal Club Univers, IAP, France.
Euclid France, 8th symposium, IMO, Orsay, France, November 27-29 2019, Guilhem Lavaux.
Inference of mass of clusters of galaxies with BORG, G. Lavaux, Workshop "Amas France", 2020-12-10
Bayesian cosmological analysis with full forward modeling of galaxy data-sets, G. Lavaux, DTP-TIFR, Mumbai, India, 2020-11-17
Machine learning for cosmology and astronomy, T. Charnock, Cosmology and Astroparticle physics group, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2020-02-28
Bayesian deep learning for cosmology and gravitational waves, T. Charnock, Bayesian deep learning for cosmology and gravitational waves, PCCP Workshop series, APC, Paris, 2020-03-04
Machine learning for cosmology and astronomy, T. Charnock, Physique théorique : gravitation et cosmologie, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, 2020-02-17
Neural networks: How they work and their future in science, T. Charnock, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy, 2020-01-22
Parameter inference using neural networks, T. Charnock, Machine learning meets astrophysics, CEA, Saclay, France, 2020-01-17 (slides)
Facing the details of galaxy observations for cosmic web reconstruction and analysis, G. Lavaux, The Cosmic Web in the Local Universe, Lorentz Center, 2020-01-29
Cosmology with Bayesian hierarchical models of cosmic shear data, N. Porqueres, Cosmology from home conference, 2021-07-13
Bayesian inference of large scale structure surveys assisted by Deep learning emulators, G. Lavaux, Atelier PNCG, Journées 2021 de la SF2A, Paris, France, 2021-06-09
Bayesian analyses of galaxy surveys, F. Leclercq, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, 2021-06-09
Local cosmolo(graph)y with forward modelling, G. Lavaux, Seminar of Lyon Group Meeting, IPNL, Lyon, France, 2021-06-08
Cross-correlation likelihood for Bayesian density & cosmological inference, G. Lavaux, Cambridge Journal Club, Cambridge, UK, 2021-05-18
Bayesian Forward modeling of cosmic structures in galaxy surveys, J. Jasche, NYU-CCA Cosmology x Data Science, New York, 2021-03-12
Bayesian forward modelling of cosmic shear data, N. Porqueres, Euclid Forward Model WP, 2021-02-16
The BORG framework, G. Lavaux, Euclid WP "Galaxy Environment", 2021-01-11
Collaboration meetings
Gaia collaboration meeting, March 2017, Observatoire de Nice, Nice, France (PLUS project, Sébastien Peirani)
Mini-workshop on cosmicflows, Lyon, October 2nd, 2017
Visit to Sibelius Collaboration (University of Helsinki), January 14th-24th 2019