A traduire
Cette page définit divers termes propres à PmWiki.
, which for this page is Glossary
where spaces have been inserted, e.g. for the page WikiSandbox this variable would be Wiki Sandbox
subdirectory. For example, browsing Main.WikiSandbox would cause local/Main.WikiSandbox.php
and local/Main.php
to be loaded if these files existed.
component following the URI of the script (pmwiki.php
if both are available.
. This file name is normally built directly from the page name.
. The variable for the full page name is {$FullName}
, which for this page is PmWikiFr.Glossary
. Similarly, the variable for the group is {$Group}
which here is PmWikiFr
[[wiki sandbox]]
, [[(wiki) sandbox]]
, WikiSandbox
, Main/WikiSandbox
, [[Main/wiki sandbox]]
, [[Main.WikiSandbox | click here]]
, etc all specify a link to the page 'Main.WikiSandbox'. In each case PmWiki uses the context of the link to generate a page name from the page link -- normally by capitalizing each word found in the link and stripping any characters that aren't considered valid in page names.
, but if no such directive is given the title will be automatically generated from the page name. The title of a page is accessed via either the variable {$Title}
or the variable {$Titlespaced}
. The latter differs in that it uses the spaced version of the name.
is disabled by default. A wiki with no local/config.php file is using the default configuration. Likewise, a farm that only defines $FarmPubDirUrl
in farmconfig.php is using the default configuration.
) customize the default configuration for all of the wikis in a farm.
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Traduction de PmWiki.Glossary
Page originale sur PmWikiFr.Glossary - Backlinks
Dernières modifications:
PmWikiFr.Glossary: September 10, 2011, at 05:40 pm CET
PmWiki.Glossary: August 09, 2022, at 08:04 am CET